Music Crossing BordersMonitoring the cross-border circulation of European music repertoire within the European Union

Auteur(s):Emmanuel Legrand
Uitgever:European Music Office, Eurosonic
Datum van uitgave:01.2012
Aantal pagina's:122
Raadpleegbaar:Music Crossing Borders (download)


The music scene in Europe is very strong, creative and diversified. Each country within the European Union has a solid local music scene. However, due to the structure of the various national markets, the existence of language diversity and different cultural behaviours, the flow of repertoire across borders within the EU is far from reflecting the notion of one single market. Although there have been embryonic attempts to document the situation of European music repertoire in Europe, the full scale of the situation has never been fully monitored.
The European Music Office, in partnership with Eurosonic Noordeslag and Nielsen, has undertaken a preliminary study aimed at monitoring and analysing the cross-border flows of repertoire within the EU in 2011. The study provides quantifiable data on the circulation of repertoire with the ambition of becoming the foundation for an observatory of the circulation of repertoire in Europe.
This report has been made possible with the contributions from Bureau Export, Eurosonic Noorderslag, Fimic, Initiative Musik, Music Austria, Music Export Norway, Muziekcentrum Vlaanderen, SABAM and WBM.

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