Where are we now?10 jaar PXL-Music 2008-2018

Uitgever:PXL Music
Datum van uitgave:11.2018
Aantal pagina's:192
Raadpleegbaar:in Muziekcentrum Vlaanderen (op afspraak)
Genre(s):Pop / Rock, Rock / Alternative, Dance & Electronica


In WHERE ARE WE NOW? 30 alumni of PXL-Music offer a photographic peek into their professional lives. They are working as musician, music technician or music manager in the pop and rock business. Some of them can already rely on a few years of experience, others are just entering the arena. But they are all professionals that don’t mind crossing borders, like to veer off the beaten path en have the necessary skills to shape their own professional practice. PXL-Music is a department of PXL University of Applied Sciences and Art and leads students to a professional bachelor in pop and rock music in a three year trajectory. Empassion, entrepreneurship and innovation, (international) collaboration and multidisciplinarity are the basis.

Redactie: Danielle Gielen, Luc Janssen, Stijn Segers, Gert Stinckens.


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