Bach Johann Sebastian - Orchestral Suites

Componist(en):Johann Sebastian Bach
Uitvoerder(s):Il Fondamento
Dirigent(en):Paul Dombrecht
Label(s):Fuga Libera
Label code:FUG 580
Distributeur:AMG Records Benelux
Aanwezig in Muziekcentrumja


Originele Weimar en Göthen versies

Suite nr. 1-4 BWV 1066-1069


Le texte promet à raison 'une grande varieté' mais il Fondamento n'offre qu'une sinistre uniformité comme s'il était sous l'effet d'un traitement émollient.
(Philippe Venturini, Classica nr. 131 april 2011, p. 92)

'Formative' leaner scorings only fully firing in the Second Suite.
There is novelty value in this seriously conceived set of Bach's four orchestral Suiten: Paul Dombrecht draws on the theory of formative versions that existed in chamber scorings before Bach settled on the now-familiar scorings from Leipzig. In essence, this means a second suite from Bach's Cöthen years, without a solo flute, and the third and fourth without trumpets and drums. The results are both surprising and disappointing in equal measure for those who are used to hearing these fine orchestral works in their most celebratory garments. [] This two-CD set is a game of two halves, maybe, but apart from the second suite in this quise, this is perhaps for reference only.
(Jonathan Freeman-Attwood, Gramophone nr. 1074 september 2011, p. 54)

Voor hun opname van de orkestsuites van Bac kozen Il Fondamento en Paul Dombrecht voor de originele versie van deze werken.
Il Fondamento toont bij dit alles een verfijnde klankcultuur.
(Bart tijskens, Staalkaart 10, mei-juli 2011, p. 92)

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(Wat is dit?)
Johann Sebastian Bach - Suites voor orkest 1-4 BWV 1066-1069 (05.2011)
Johann Sebastian Bach - Les quatre Suites pour orchestre (04.2011)