Bernard Foccroulle - E vidi quattro stelle

Componist(en):Bernard Foccroulle
Dirigent(en):Ouri Bronchti
Label(s):Fuga Libera
Label code:FUG 762
Distributeur:Outhere Music Group
Aanwezig in Muziekcentrumja
Genre(s):21ste eeuw / hedendaags


Bernard Foccroulle

- Departure from Hell at dawn
- Along the Shore (canto I)
- Dante and Virgil Climb the Mountain (canto IV)
- The Meeting with a Crowd of Sinners Who Died Violent Deaths (canto V)
- In the Smoke of the Wrathful (cantos XV-XVI-XVIII)
- Dante's Dream (canto XXIII)
- Dante Finds Beatrice (canto XXX)
- The Accusations of Beatrice and Dante's Loss of Consciousness (canto XXXI)
- Matelda Bathes Dante in the Waters of Lethe - Dance of the Four Fair Ladies (canto XXXI)
- The Sun, Slower and more Blazing than before, Arrives at its Noonday Zenith (canto XXXIII)
- Revived and Refreshed, Dante is ready to ascend to the stars (end of canto XXXIII / Purgatorio)