Studiedagen rond verloren liederen Henric van Veldeke

Dit is een gearchiveerd bericht


Graindelavoix organiseert samen met het Koninklijk Vlaams Conservatorium Antwerpen (Hogeschool Antwerpen Artesis), Frank Willaert (UA), Jan Goossens (KUL), Thomas Baeté en Floris De Rycker een driedaagse rond de verloren liederen van Henric van Veldeke.

Three days of intensive study, interpretation and recreation of the 'lost' songs of Henric van Veldeke :: theory, practice and a-disciplinary approach!

Veldeke (end of 12th century) who can be considered as the founder of Dutch and German poetry, not only absorbed classical, French and Occitan poetry traditions, but also established a total new - Lotharingian - way of poetical concept, of what Frank Willaert calls "Veldekes ironic pointe", crucial for future musical and poetic styles!

A unique opportunity for those who want to join Björn Schmelzer's research, which will reveal the first serious attempt ever to reconstruct Veldeke's songlines.

with Frank Willaert (University Antwerp), Jan Goossens (University Leuven), Thomas Baeté, Floris De Rycker & Björn Schmelzer (graindelavoix)

Björn Schmelzer prepares a full edition with music of the Veldeke's songs. Participants of the masterclass will receive original and exclusive materials out of this research.

dates & hours: 30, 31 okt & 1 nov, 10am - 5pm
participants: active/passive; singers, musicians/improvisers, actors, scholars, medievists, fans of Nico...
registration: 50 euro/3 days (20 euro/day)

place to be: Koninklijk Conservatorium Antwerpen/Artesis Hogeschool, Desguinlei 25, 2018 Antwerpen, Belgium (deSingel)
language: English/Dutch

all information and registration: , +32.498/52.88.92

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Personen/groepen:Graindelavoix (ensemble (vocaal-instrumentaal), oude muziek, ensemble)

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