Internationaal seminarie cultuur en ontwikkeling

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In het kader van het Spaans EU-voorzitterschap vindt op 4 en 5 mei in Girona het International Seminar on Culture and Development plaats. Bedoeling is om cultuur meer in ontwikkelingsbeleid te integreren.

The Seminar will review experiences reflecting that investing in culture is a way to attain diverse objectives in the fight against poverty, and will analyse a series of programmes and projects that can serve as a collection of "best practices".

The event is organised, under Spanish EU Presidency, in the city of Girona with the collaboration of the University of Girona, which holds the pioneering UNESCO Chair for Cultural Policies and Cooperation.

The event will have three different parts:

- On the 4th May, prior to the inauguration of the Seminar, the Follow-up Committee of the Colloquium “Culture and Creativity, vectors for development” will hold a meeting to keep track of the implementation of the recommendations of the Brussels Declaration. This meeting will be restricted to the members of the Follow-up Committee.

- The Seminar on Culture and Development will take place on the 4th and 5th May and will be open to all the participants who wish to register.

- After the conclusion of the Seminar, in the morning of the 6th May, EU Member States, the European Commission and cultural organisms and institutes will have an informal work meeting. This meeting will be restricted to the representatives of EU Member States, the European Commission and representatives of the organisms and invited cultural institutions.

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