From piracy to promotion: the impact of Music 2.0 on upcoming artists and young consumers in FlandersA mixed method research on the power blocks of the music industry in Flanders

Auteur(s):Camille De Groote
Uitgever:Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Plaats van uitgave:Brussel
Datum van uitgave:2009
Aantal pagina's:303
Raadpleegbaar:From piracy to promotion (download)



This dissertation explores the impact of Music 2.0 on the music industry in Flanders, by focusing on the producers’ and consumers’ perspective. We examine whether Music 2.0 is a new distribution and promotion tool for upcoming artists, whether young consumers (17-18 year olds) use Music 2.0 as a new medium and consequently whether Music 2.0 therefore influences the music industry in Flanders. In the literature review, we study the most crucial recent evolutions influencing the music industry to consider the context and to assess the impact of Music 2.0. The qualitative research examines the experiences of upcoming artists and the quantitative research studies the consumer behaviour of a group of 17-18 year old consumers, to analyse Music 2.0 as a new business model for the future music industry. While the theoretical debate often supports this new model, the research raises questions on its effectiveness.

(Eindverhandeling ingediend voor het behalen van de graad van Master in de Communicatiewetenschappen; Promotor: Prof. Dr. Katia Segers)

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