Copyright in the Knowledge EconomyGreen Paper

Uitgever:Europese Commissie
Plaats van uitgave:Brussel
Datum van uitgave:2008
Aantal pagina's:22
Raadpleegbaar:Copyright in the Knowledge Economy (download)



The purpose of the Green Paper is to foster a debate on how knowledge for research, science and education can best be disseminated in the online environment. The Green Paper aims to set out a number of issues connected with the role of copyright in the "knowledge economy" and intends to launch a consultation on these issues.

The Green Paper is essentially in two parts. The first part deals with general issues regarding exceptions to exclusive rights introduced in the main piece of European copyright legislation - Directive 2001/29/EC on the harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society ("the Directive")2. The other piece of copyright legislation that is relevant for the knowledge economy, Directive 96/9/EC on the legal protection of databases, has been analysed in a separate report4. Nevertheless, some aspects of this directive, such as exceptions and limitations, will be addressed in this report as well. The second part deals with specific issues related to the exceptions and limitations which are most relevant for the dissemination of knowledge and whether these exceptions should evolve in the era of digital dissemination.

Verwante items in de databank

Documenten:Reactie van de Vlaamse bibliotheken, archieven, documentatie- en informatiecentra en heemkundige kringen op het Groenboek van de Europese Commissie ‘Auteursrecht in de kenniseconomie’ (studie/rapport)


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