Clemens non Papa - Missa pro defunctis

Componist(en):Jacobus Clemens Non Papa
Uitvoerder(s):The Brabant Ensemble
Dirigent(en):Stephen Rice
Label code:CDA 67848
Aanwezig in Muziekcentrumja
Genre(s):oude muziek


Requiem missa pro defunctis

Tristitia et anxietas
vae tibi babylon et syria
erravi sicut ovis
De profundis a 5
vox in rama
peccantem me quotidie
Heu mihi, Domine


A new recording finds depth beyond the nickname
His setting of the Mass for the Dead understandably gets top billing, for despite its modest scale and simplicity, it is an affecting piece, as its opening movements signally testify.
Clemens and his recording are both worth hearing.
(Fabrice Fitch, Gramophone nr. 1068, maart 2011, p. 81)

La découverte du programme est un Requiem serein et mystérieux que le Brabant interprète dans une sonorité feutrée, mettant en valeur une atmosphère méditative et peu spectaculaire.
(Marc Desmet, Classica nr. 134 juli-augustus 2011, p. 101)

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(Wat is dit?)
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